2023, VOLUME 10 ISSUE 3Pages: 82-85
Determination of ricin toxin in castor bean (Ricinius communis L.) cake samples
Miguel Ramos-Leal*, Mabel Villanueva- Domínguez, Keily Montero-Alvarez, Sheila García, Eduardo Canales-López and Meyling Rodríguez
Centro de Investigaciones en Plantas Proteicas y Productos Bionaturales (CIPB). Ave 5ta y 246, Complejo Barlovento, Playa, La Habana, Cuba
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The castor plant (Ricinius communis), belongs to Euphorbiaceae family, whose fruits produce castor oil, but as a by-product produce ricin, a potent toxic protein, which makes handling dangerous, in addition to being considered as a biological warfare agent.The development of simple methods that detect, in a fast way, the presence of ricin toxin (RT), allows to incorporate the detoxified castor bean cakes as a nutritional supplement of animal feed. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was assayed for detecting the presence of ricin in samples of residual cakes detoxified, treated by autoclave and chemical treatment using Ca(OH)2. Results confirmed the efficiency of chemical treatment, stated by biochemical patterns of proteins using this SDS-PAGE method.