Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.
2015, VOLUME 2 ISSUE 3Pages: 180-191

Bryophyte diversity in Terai regions of Uttar Pradesh, India with some new additions to the state

Vinay Sahu and A. K. Asthana*
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An investigation of the Bryophytes from Terai region of Uttar Pradesh has revealed the occurrence of 29 species of bryophytes: 21 species belonging to 16 genera of 11 Families of Mosses; 6 species belonging to 3 genera of 3 families of Liverworts and 2 species belonging to 1 genus of 1 family of Hornworts. This includes several new reports viz., Notothylas kashyapii D.K. Singh from Gangetic Plains, Dicranella macrospora Gangulee, Entodontopsis tavoyense (Hook. ex Harv.) W.R. Buck & R.R. Ireland, Trachyphyllum inflexum (Harv.) Gepp., Weissia controversa Hedw., Fissidens crenulatus Mitt., Fissidens flaccidus Mitt. and Fissidens zollingeri Mont. from Uttar Pradesh.
Notothylas kashyapii: A–C, Thalli; D, Sporophytes in the apical region; E, Lamellae present on involucres; F, Capsule wall; G, chloroplast; H–I, Spores.

Fig.: Notothylas kashyapii: A–C, Thalli; D, Sporophytes in the apical region; E, Lamellae present on involucres; F, Capsule wall; G, chloroplast; H–I, Spores.