Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.


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The “Tropical Plant Research” is an International Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal by the Society for Tropical Plant Research. The journal publishes the original research work related to the plants (Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms & Angiosperms), algae and lichenised as well as non lichenised fungi of the tropical & sub-tropical regions. We welcomed the original as well as review articles and short communications which integrate with the fundamental and applied research from the area of Taxonomy, Diversity assessment, Ecology, Environment, Climate Change, GIS/Remote Sensing, Socio-Economic & Forestry, Plant Breeding, Physiology, Genetics, Bio-chemistry, Molecular aspects etc.

Manuscript preparation

Authors can submit their original ideas and findings, matches with the aim and objectives of the journal in the form of short communication, original and review articles. The manuscript should be written in English language using font Time New Roman, size 12 and double space in the compatible MS-Word format (.doc/.docx) in one column with normal margins. The journal does not specify the length of the manuscript. The article should be prepared by following the general layout of the journal as given below,

Cover letter

A cover letter mentioning that the submitted work is original not published before and not under the publication should be sent along with manuscript by the corresponding author on the behalf of co-authors to the managing editor of the journal.


Provide the contact details and affiliation of three potential reviewers.

Title page

The first page of the manuscript should include the title, name of the author(s), affiliations of author(s), e-mail of author(s) and full address of the corresponding author with e-mail, phone no./mob. no. and fax no. The title should be concise and informative.


The abstract should be not more than 300 words and should contain the gist of the entire work. Avoid using any abbreviated form in the abstract. Taxonomic authorities should not be used here.

The abstract should be followed by 3 to 6 keywords. Kindly don’t use the words already used in the title and avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (example, “and”, “of”).


In this portion, the main problem, selected in the study should be discussed with the relevant earlier literature and the proposed method or solution.

Materials and Methods

The detailed experimental protocols, instruments and software etc. used in the study should be described here with their proper references. The details of the study area should also be provided.


Here the author(s) should be presented the clear and concise findings of the experiment/study. It should be written in past tense. The results should be given here without any references.


The study should be elaborately discussed with the significance of the results with the help of earlier work and reports.


The important outcomes of the study should be mentioned in this section.

Note: Results, Discussion and Conclusion can be combined if seems appropriate.


The acknowledgments of the funding body, institutional head, co-workers, field assistants, local people etc. should be briefed and declaration of any conflict of interest related to the work.


In the text, the references should be typed as Anna et al. (2014) or (Sharma 1998, Smith & Donoghue 2008, Anonymous 2005, Chaudhary 1993, IUCN 2014) in chronological order. Use “et al.” if the numbers of authors are three or more.

The list of references should be included all publications cited in the text. It should be in alphabetical order of first author’s surname without numbering. For more instruction follow the example given below,

1. Research papers of a journal

Smith SA & Donoghue MJ (2008) Rates of molecular evolution are linked to life history in flowering plants. Science 322: 86–89.

2. Books

Bhatt BP & Verma ND (2002) Some Multipurpose Tree Species for Agroforestry Systems. ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani, Meghalaya, India, pp. 52–62. (for citing a portion of the book)

Sharma JR (1998) Statistical and Biometrical Techniques in Plant Breeding. New Age International Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, 432 p. (for citing complete book)

3. Edited Books

Anna V, Dymytrova L & Rai, H (2014) Photobiont Diversity of Soil Crust Lichens Along Substrate Ecology and Altitudinal Gradients in Himalayas: A Case Study from Garhwal Himalaya. In: Rai H & Upreti DK (eds) Terricolous Lichens in India Vol 1: Diversity patterns and distribution ecology. Springer, pp. 73–87.

4. Second / Third . . . Edition of the Book

Fahn A (1990) Plant anatomy, 4th edition. Pergamon Press. New York. USA.

5. For report

Anonymous (2005) Annual Report. Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India. New Delhi.

6. Internet source

IUCN (2014) The IUCN red list of threatened species, version 2013.2. IUCN Red List Unit, Cambridge U.K. Available from: (accessed: 23 Jan. 2014).

7. Ph. D. / M.Phil. Thesis

Chaudhry LB (1993) Taxonomic revision of the tribe Thermopsideae, Genisteae, Trifolieae and Loteae (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) of India, (Ph. D. Thesis). Kalyani University, Kalyani, West Bengal, India.


All the figures should be in JPG/JPEG format in a word file. The figures should be with the width of 75 mm/155 mm with the resolution of 300 dpi. Figures should be numbered as they are cited in the main text. If the figure is a plate, each figure should be subdivided by using upper case letters of bold “Arial” font size as required but similar in all. Legends of all figures should be provided on a separate page.


The table should be made as simple as possible. Only a few horizontal lines should be used without vertical lines in the table. All tables should be placed after references in the manuscript. Each table should be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals with a self-descriptive heading and/or legend. Any abbreviation or symbol used in the table should be described in the legend. The same data should not be represented in tables and in graphs.

Review article

The summarized and up to date information on a topic will be published under this category. The article should not be more than 8000 words. For other instructions will be similar to the general guidelines.

Short communications

Any concise, new findings, important information and preliminary results can be published under this category. It should not be more than 800 words. For other instructions will be similar to the general guidelines.

Other important notes

1. Use SI units and the appropriate symbols (mm for millimetre; µm for micron; s for sec; Myr for million years).

2. Use the negative index (m-1, l-1, h-1) except in cases such as 'per genera’.

3. Use symbol “×” instead of “x”.

4. Use Hyphen/dash “-” to link two words (e.g. as co-operation, 2-merous etc.)

5. Use En dash (dash with length of the letter ‘n’) “–” to show ranges of numbers, length, width, time, pages etc. (e.g. 10–25, 2–5 cm, 4–6 months etc.)

6. Use elevation for heights of land surfaces above sea level.

7. Names of genera and species should be in italic.

8. Use abbreviation ‘sp’ (singular) / ‘spp’ (plural) for “species”; ‘subsp’ (singular) / ‘subspp’ (plural) for “subspecies”; ‘sp. nov.’ for “new species”; ‘comb. nov.’ for “new combination”; ‘gen. nov.’ for “new genus”; ‘s.s.’ for “Sensu stricto” and ‘s.l.’ for “sensu lato”; ca. for circa = about; ‘dbh’ for diameter at breast height; ‘elev.’ For “elevation”.

9. The acronym of the herbarium must be provided for each collection where they have been housed. The reference for citing the collection: NEPAL, Bardia Dist, Babai-Deurrali, 351 m, N 28º 20.934' E 81º 42.226', 23.01.2001, K. K. Shreshtha et al. 666 (TUCH).

10. The equation should be written, using ‘Equation’ feature present in ‘Insert’ option of Microsoft World.

11. Any kind of Plagiarism is prohibited in the Journal. If found guilty (before or after publication), the paper will be "Retracted" and authors will be blacklisted.

12. We allow the author(s) to hold the copyright on his/her published article.

13. The format of latest published paper in the Journal can be adopted for manuscript preparation.

Paper submission steps

1. Create a WORD DOCUMENT file having ‘Cover Letter’ and contact details and affiliation of ‘Three Potential Reviewers’.

2. Create another WORD DOCUMENT file having full manuscript (Title to References) followed by all the ‘Figures with legends’ and all the ‘Tables with heading and/or legends’.

3. Sign up with User’s Link (for new users) / Login with your email (for old users).

4. Now fill the required details and upload all the files.

5. For any inconvenience in manuscript submission mail to Managing Editor (,

Publication process

After receiving the research article, the article will be sent to the Subject Editor. The editor will send the article to two reviewers for blind peer review. All the comments by the reviewers will be sent to the corresponding author and the author should return the revised version of the manuscript. The revised manuscript will be sent to the reviewers again and the final decision will be taken by the Subject Editor.

Now the accepted article will be sent to the corresponding author in ready to print format for the proofreading. The proofreading provides the opportunity to view and correct the remaining mistakes in the manuscript. Once the manuscript published in the journal, no changes will be made and for any mistake, authors will be responsible.

The accepted articles will be published online as well as in print and a link to the article will be sent to the author by e-mail for unlimited downloading.

Article handling / processing charges

There is no article 'submission fee' in the Journal. But, as the Journal is not receiving any governmental &/or non-governmental financial add, the authors are required to pay an article 'handling / processing fee' (after peer review and acceptance). This fee contributes to the costs involved in DOI allocation, Indexing, Formatting, Publication process and Web development.

  • International authors : 20 USD (w.e.f. 01.01.2020)
  • Indian authors : 1500 INR (w.e.f. 01.01.2020)

The researchers, those are not getting any fellowship or funding, have an opportunity to waive article processing charges. We are here to publish your worthy research outcomes and it is our effort that the fee should not be a barrier between your intellectuality and its publication.


All the Services are governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of India, without reference to conflict of laws principles and you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. For any dispute or related violence, it will be discussed and considered only in front of ‘Judiciary of Kanpur’ at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Criteria for Reviewing: Reviewers could judge any manuscript on the basis of following criteria:.
1. Format of the Article: Any major divergence from the standard manuscript format should be indicated.
2. Technical Presentation: The research article should be technically presented instead of being presented as a story. Mere repetition of past work should not be accepted. You can look for conceptual advancement over previously published work. Any major omission of the previously published findings on the similar problem must be checked..
3. Interpretation of Result: The discussion should hover around the result and should not include irrelevant and unachievable statement..
4. Statistical Presentation: Proper statistics should be applied over the data wherever found necessary..
5. Plagiarism of Data: Data showing any type of suspicion, duplication and manipulation must be brought to the notice of the author(s)..
6. Summary: Pin point the strength and weakness of the article considering potential importance of the work in the context of present and future..
7. Conclusion: At the end reviewer(s) can recommend necessary corrections needed to accept the paper, if they are actually required, else recommend it for publication. If found unsuitable the paper should be declared as unacceptable for publication.

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