Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.
2017, VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3Pages: 486-495

Analysis of medicinal and economic important plant species of Hollongapar Gibbon wildlife sanctuary, Assam, northeast India

Moumita Sarkar and Ashalata Devi*
*Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University, Tezpur-784028, Sonitpur, Assam, India
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An investigation has been made to recognise the medicinal and economic potential of plant species occurred in the semi-evergreen forest of Hollongapar Gibbon wildlife sanctuary, Assam using semi-structured questionnaire. In the present study, the importance of plant species recorded in this semi-evergreen forest is analysed and assessed in terms of their medicinal and economic values. A total of 157 plant species belonging to 136 genera and 78 families were having medicinal and economic values. These include 69 trees (55 genera and 39 families), 17 shrubs (15 genera and 14 families), 58 herbs (57 genera and 37 families), 5 lianas (5 genera and 5 families) and 8 bamboo/cane/palm (5 genera and 2 families). The study revealed 78% of plant species were having significant values either in terms of medicinal or economic and both which make the plant diversity of the sanctuary a vital source for resource supply. Majority of the recorded medicinal plants were used for the treatment of some common health problems such as fever, cough, cold, skin diseases, jaundice, dysentery, etc. Non Timber Forest products consist of wild edible vegetables, resins, gums, fire woods, fodder, wild edible fruits, bamboo, canes, etc.