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Chrysopogon hamiltonii (Hook.f.) Haines (Poaceae: Andropogoneae) - Addition to the flora of Telangana, India B. Sadasivaiah*, A. Ramakrishna and Nirmala Babu Rao [abstract][PDF (587KB)][55-58] Viewed: 656 Downloaded: 303 |
Helvella atra J. König (Helvellaceae) - First report from Northeast India Rajesh Kumar*, Girish Gogoi, Hansraj Sharma and Sandeep Yadav [abstract][PDF (822KB)][59-62] Viewed: 724 Downloaded: 350 |
Ethnomycological study of macromycetes used in the Funa district, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Dyna Y. Masika, Roger Batubenga, Kevin Lubwa, Esther Mwambay, Evariste Kimwanga, Chapy Mukaya, Gédéon Bongo* and Simon Dibaluka [abstract][PDF (771KB)][63-68] Viewed: 674 Downloaded: 304 |
Plant community patterns and edge effect study in the ecotone region of River Pabber and Tons in Western Himalaya Vivek Joshi* and Kusum Arunachalam [abstract][PDF (2296KB)][69-86] Viewed: 510 Downloaded: 266 |
Genetic analysis of micro propagated plants of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers by using RAPD–PCR markers Neetu Thakur* and A. Pathak [abstract][PDF (583KB)][87-91] Viewed: 467 Downloaded: 227 |
New distributional records of two species of Glyphochloa Clayton from Satpuda range of Khandesh region, Maharashtra, India Tanveer A. Khan* and Kumar Vinod Gosavi [abstract][PDF (619KB)][92-95] Viewed: 635 Downloaded: 250 |
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