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Solvents extraction of secondary plant metabolites from Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. and annihilated fermentation on plant residues Bandla Srinivas* and Om Hari Chaturvedi [abstract][PDF (663KB)][53-59] Viewed: 490 Downloaded: 301 |
Seasonal variation of phosphorus forms in soil amended with poultry manure in two agro-ecological zones of Nigeria G. M. Akande*, A. J. Adeyemo, B. S. Ewulo and B. F. Dada [abstract][PDF (844KB)][60-70] Viewed: 376 Downloaded: 201 |
Uraria lacei Craib (Fabaceae - Leguminosae): A new addition to the flora of West Bengal, India Narayanasamy Dhatchanamoorthy*, Biswarupa Ghosh, Syed Noorunnisa Begum, Debabrata Saha, Kaliamoorthy Ravikumar, Debangshu Mallik and Bidyut Sarkar [abstract][PDF (1096KB)][71-75] Viewed: 325 Downloaded: 157 |
Effect of water stress (drought) on growth, photosynthetic pigments, nitrogen and protein content of Ocimum sanctum L. (Tulsi) Devyani Dev, Omisha Kannaojiya and Kumari Sunita* [abstract][PDF (532KB)][76-81] Viewed: 489 Downloaded: 290 |
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