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Changes in nutraceutical attributes in soybean raised at varying growing temperature Vineet Kumar*, Virender Singh Bhatia, Anita Rani, Priyamvada Jha and Kanchan Jumrani [abstract][PDF (513KB)][1-5] Viewed: 2067 Downloaded: 1057 |
Fitting non-linear models for tree volume estimation in strict nature reserve, South-West, Nigeria F. E. Adesuyi*, A. S. Akinbowale, O. G. Olugbadieye and K. Jayeola [abstract][PDF (1025KB)][6-13] Viewed: 1785 Downloaded: 870 |
Estimation of carbon dioxide assimilated in shoot biomass of mature Acacia seyal (Del.) Brenan and Eucalyptus microtheca (F.) Muell Hasabelrasoul Fadlelmula Mustafa* and Bello Rufa′i Wali [abstract][PDF (644KB)][14-19] Viewed: 1866 Downloaded: 913 |
Co-existence of organic matter and live plant macrophytes under flooded soil conditions acidify sulfidic soil of acid sulfate soils Patrick S. Michael [abstract][PDF (621KB)][20-29] Viewed: 1950 Downloaded: 815 |
Effects of nitrogenous fertilizer on growth and yield of Mustard Green Shagata Islam Shorna, Mohammed Arif Sadik Polash, Md. Arif Sakil, Moshtari Afrin Mou, Md. Abdul Hakim, Akash Biswas and Md. Alamgir Hossain* [abstract][PDF (691KB)][30-36] Viewed: 2960 Downloaded: 1741 |
Evaluation of soil seed bank-vegetation and regeneration potential of Tectona grandis L. f. plantation (Taungya farm) in Akure forest reserve, Ondo State, Nigeria B. E. Omomoh*, V. A. J. Adekunle, P. D. Aigbe, F. O. Ademoh and B. M. Omomoh [abstract][PDF (850KB)][37-45] Viewed: 1943 Downloaded: 775 |
An investigation on the determination of diurnal and ontogenetic variabilities of essential oil content and composition in Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra (Hypericaceae) Cenk Pasa*, Selami Selvı and Turgut Kılıc [abstract][PDF (787KB)][46-50] Viewed: 1895 Downloaded: 937 |
A comparative karyomorphological analysis of Crinum asiaticum L. and Crinum latifolium L. from Paschim Medinipur district of West Bengal, India Anushree Dolai and Asis Kumar Nandi* [abstract][PDF (566KB)][51-54] Viewed: 1938 Downloaded: 988 |
Flora diversity of Ijero Local Government Area of Ekiti State, South-Western Nigeria Emmanuel Chukwudi Chukwuma*, Deborah Moradeke Chukwuma and Aderonke Folashade Adio [abstract][PDF (730KB)][55-64] Viewed: 1969 Downloaded: 1025 |
Ethno-ecological study of medicinal and wild edible plants in Sheka Zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, Ethiopia Zewdie Kassa*, Zemede Asfaw and Sebsebe Demissew [abstract][PDF (919KB)][65-75] Viewed: 2139 Downloaded: 1213 |
Phylogenetic relationships of selected Sri Lankan Orchids based on Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequence analysis P. M. H. Sandamali, S. P. Senanayake* and Sanath Rajapakse [abstract][PDF (1326KB)][76-85] Viewed: 13962 Downloaded: 1040 |
Hydro-priming and halo-priming improve seed germination, yield and yield contributing characters of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Shaila Shermin Tania, Mohammad Saidur Rhaman* and Md. Mokter Hossain [abstract][PDF (781KB)][86-93] Viewed: 2418 Downloaded: 1494 |
Airborne fungal spore concentration in some selected indoor and outdoor sites: Threats of respiratory problems Pintu Karmakar*, Udipta Das, Panna Das and Ajay Krishna Saha [abstract][PDF (1241KB)][94-100] Viewed: 1755 Downloaded: 880 |
Growth characteristics of tree species in natural stands of Gambari forest reserve, Southwestern Nigeria Q. A. Onilude*, R. Adewoye, O. A. Akinyemi and S. O. Osundun [abstract][PDF (987KB)][101-109] Viewed: 1817 Downloaded: 899 |
Geogenic source of arsenic and their effect on vegetable seed germination Shyni Paul, Sudhir K. Upadhyay* and Nripendra Singh [abstract][PDF (738KB)][110-116] Viewed: 1815 Downloaded: 803 |
A census of pteridophytes in Eastern Ghats, India Kishore Kumar Mandal, Truptirekha Kar*, Chiranjibi Pattanaik and C. Sudhakar Reddy [abstract][PDF (806KB)][117-125] Viewed: 2008 Downloaded: 1040 |
Early succession in the tropical forest in southern Cameroon, Central Africa B. Tchiengue*, K. Neumann and W. Rüdiger [abstract][PDF (921KB)][126-136] Viewed: 1816 Downloaded: 839 |
Estimating the leaf area of Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss. from linear measurement Owokotomo Olayinka Oluwatobi [abstract][PDF (686KB)][137-143] Viewed: 1838 Downloaded: 935 |
Role of traditional Islamic and Arabic plants in treatment of fever Sameer Ahmad Thoker* and Sapan Patel [abstract][PDF (573KB)][144-148] Viewed: 2076 Downloaded: 1126 |
Morphometrics of selected Dendrobium spp. (Orchidaceae) in Sri Lanka P. M. H. Sandamali, S. P. Senanayake* and S. Rajapakse [abstract][PDF (1254KB)][149-157] Viewed: 1769 Downloaded: 827 |
Synthesis of Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles and impact on morphological changes, seeds yield and phytotoxicity of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Deepak Kumar Verma, Sapan Patel and Kalyan Singh Kushwah* [abstract][PDF (1016KB)][158-170] Viewed: 1805 Downloaded: 835 |
Ultrastructure of Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J.C. Wendl.) M. I. Adeniyi*, G. T. Salaudeen and R. A. Ojo [abstract][PDF (883KB)][171-175] Viewed: 1843 Downloaded: 974 |
Stand structure and regeneration status of tree species in four major forest types along an altitudinal gradient in Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand Tanuja Gahlot*, Prachi Joshi and Y. S. Rawat [abstract][PDF (1267KB)][176-189] Viewed: 2051 Downloaded: 1084 |
Observation of adventitious shoot in three wild palms from Assam, India Selim Mehmud* and Himu Roy [abstract][PDF (1804KB)][190-195] Viewed: 1799 Downloaded: 943 |
Climate change impacts on the distribution and phenology of plants: A review Mesfin Woldearegay [abstract][PDF (486KB)][196-204] Viewed: 2185 Downloaded: 1271 |
Association of characters and selection parameters for high tuber yield in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Archana Tiwari, Archana Mishra*, Vishal Saxena, Swati Saxena and Amit Prakash Raghuvanshi [abstract][PDF (629KB)][205-208] Viewed: 1734 Downloaded: 858 |
An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of the Udaipur wildlife sanctuary, West Champaran, Bihar, India Anand Kumar, Saurabh Sachan, Tanay Shil and Onkar Nath Maurya* [abstract][PDF (3324KB)][209-228] Viewed: 1804 Downloaded: 957 |
Bioaccumulation of Zinc and Cadmium by two aquatic plants: Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Pistia stratiotes L. under nursery conditions K. S. Chukwuka, U. S. Akpabio and U. N. Uka* [abstract][PDF (792KB)][229-237] Viewed: 1830 Downloaded: 922 |
Pinnacles of Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.): A nutri millet S. K. Mathanghi*, S. Kanchana and V. Perasiriyan [abstract][PDF (510KB)][238-244] Viewed: 2321 Downloaded: 1443 |
Quantitative analysis of vegetation structure, composition and species diversity of moist Sal bearing tropical forest of Sumbuk reserve forest in South Sikkim, India Sanjyoti Subba*, Kusum Gurung, Sanchi Subba and Sumitra Nepal [abstract][PDF (1064KB)][245-254] Viewed: 2083 Downloaded: 1143 |
Differential responses of antioxidants and dehydrin in two Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) cultivars contrasting in drought tolerance Y. M. Liu#, G. F. Hu#, G. Q. Wu, L. L. Yan, B. Y. Zhao* and X. Z. Zhang* [abstract][PDF (1173KB)][255-267] Viewed: 1790 Downloaded: 909 |
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