Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.

Vol. 7 Issue 2

Table of Contents
Taxonomic revision and new locational report of Limnophila indica (L.) Druce: A species becoming rare by the invasion of aquatic macrophytes
Muktipada Panda*, Mahendra Kumar Satapathy and Rabindro Nath Samal
[abstract][PDF (1557KB)][268-276]  Viewed: 1845  Downloaded: 1029
Isolation and screening of phosphate solubilising fungi from Okra rhizosphere soil and their effect on the growth of Okra plant (Abelmoschous esculentus L.)
Lal Sahab Yadav* Vinodkumar Kushwaha and Ashish Jain
[abstract][PDF (917KB)][277-284]  Viewed: 1642  Downloaded: 734
Ethnobotanical study on the medicinal value of selected five species in Gullele Botanic Garden and its surroundings
Debela Daba* and Biniyam Asfaw
[abstract][PDF (827KB)][285-295]  Viewed: 1931  Downloaded: 1021
Changes of land use land cover and floristic composition in sacred forests of West Karbi Anglong district, Assam, India
Shilpa Baidya, Bijay Thakur, Gisandu Malunguja and Ashalata Devi*
[abstract][PDF (1520KB)][296-308]  Viewed: 1488  Downloaded: 658
Studies on mutagenic sensitivity of Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek
Amol Vikhe* and Janardhan Nehul
[abstract][PDF (856KB)][309-312]  Viewed: 1255  Downloaded: 495
Classification of selected 25 Eucalyptus clones based on qualitative, pseudo-qualitative traits and quantitative traits using numerical taxonomy for distinct, uniform and stability (DUS) testing
M. Anantha Lakshmi* and V. Sivakumar
[abstract][PDF (1354KB)][313-325]  Viewed: 1444  Downloaded: 700
Rediscovery of Dendrobium angulatum Lindl. (Orchidaceae), from Bngladesh after 198 years
Md Sharif Hossain Sourav*, Kabir Bin Anwar and Mahbuba Sultana
[abstract][PDF (1398KB)][326-330]  Viewed: 1469  Downloaded: 606
Phenological study on Polyalthia fragrans (Dalz.) Bedd. - An Endemic Species of Western Ghats, India
K. Arunkumar, K. R. Chandrashekar*, H. Soorya Prakash Shenoy
[abstract][PDF (688KB)][331-335]  Viewed: 1582  Downloaded: 746
An assessment of the current status and regeneration potential of the traditional conserved forests (Ngitili) in Kishapu district, Tanzania
Gisandu K. Malunguja, Chrispinus K. D. Rubanza and Ashalata Devi*
[abstract][PDF (1883KB)][336-356]  Viewed: 1491  Downloaded: 654
Forest cover change and species distribution in Ago-Owu forest reserve, Osun State, Southwestern, Nigeria
J. T. Asifat* and O. O. I. Orimoogunje
[abstract][PDF (1180KB)][357-365]  Viewed: 1460  Downloaded: 645
Protective effects of Asystasia chelonoides var. chelonoides Nees. (Acanthaceae) leaf extracts against Paracetamol‐induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats
Geetha R. Nair*, Raghesh R. Nair, S. R. Suja and M. Jayasree
[abstract][PDF (1363KB)][366-373]  Viewed: 1258  Downloaded: 491
Arenga westerhoutii Griff. and Livistona jenkinsiana Griff., two new species of wild palms for Banglades
Md Sharif Hossain Sourav* and Kabir Bin Anwar
[abstract][PDF (1544KB)][374-378]  Viewed: 1614  Downloaded: 677
Ethnomedicinal study in reserve forest area of Jhunjhunu District, Rajasthan, India
Anita Jeph* and J. B. Khan
[abstract][PDF (859KB)][379-387]  Viewed: 1798  Downloaded: 948
Detection and identification of microbial contaminants from plant tissue culture
Mohit Dangariya, Dharam Khandhar, Jagdishchandra Monpara, Kiran Chudasama* and Vrinda Thaker
[abstract][PDF (928KB)][388-395]  Viewed: 1563  Downloaded: 661
Morphological markers associated with pericarp colour and its inheritance pattern in black scented rice of Manipur
Warepam Jesmi Devi, Yaikhom Vivekananda, Arif Uddin, J. M. Laishram and Supriyo Chakraborty*
[abstract][PDF (1000KB)][396-402]  Viewed: 1340  Downloaded: 589
Occurrence of Ipomoea tenuipes Verdc., (Convolvulaceae) in Khandesh region Maharashtra, India
Revan Y. Chaudhari and Tanveer A. Khan*
[abstract][PDF (574KB)][403-405]  Viewed: 1519  Downloaded: 748
Phenology and seed development in Mesua ferrea L., a rare medicinal tropical tree species
V. Mithun, K. P. Babu, N. S. Pradeep and P. N. Krishnan*
[abstract][PDF (1253KB)][406-414]  Viewed: 1651  Downloaded: 862
Antioxidant properties of selected pigmented and white long grain rice varieties of Sri Lanka at market available polishing rates
W. K. S. M. Abeysekera*, W. P. K. M. Abeysekera, T. L. Suraweera, M. D. W. Samaranayake, S. L. Liyanage, S. P. G. Arachchige, W. D. Ratnasooriya and D. S. de Z. Abeysiriwardena
[abstract][PDF (587KB)][415-423]  Viewed: 1437  Downloaded: 701
Recent trends of sugarcane diseases in Assam
D. Dutta
[abstract][PDF (801KB)][424-426]  Viewed: 1440  Downloaded: 677
Assessment of the lichen diversity from Koundinya wildlife sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh, India
Gangadhar Pandava, Satish Mohabe, Anjali Devi B. and A. Madhusudhana Reddy*
[abstract][PDF (1637KB)][427-439]  Viewed: 1689  Downloaded: 956
Medicinal plants diversity modelling using remote sensing & GIS technology of Chilkigarh, West Bengal, India
Sk Md Abu Imam Saadi, Ismail Mondal*, Subrata Sarkar and Amal Kumar Mondal
[abstract][PDF (1330KB)][440-451]  Viewed: 1896  Downloaded: 1141
Spatio-temporal variation in leaf traits of Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.) populations in Bangladesh
Farzana Akter Jake, Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Abul Kashem and Mohammad Zabed Hossain*
[abstract][PDF (761KB)][452-459]  Viewed: 2173  Downloaded: 575
Floristic composition and natural regeneration status in Abhoypur reserve forest of Assam following Mikania micrantha Kunth. ex. H.B.K. invasion
Kuntala N. Barua* and Protul Hazarika
[abstract][PDF (1165KB)][460-471]  Viewed: 1401  Downloaded: 632
Response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to conservational agricultural practices for enhancing productivity under rainfed conditions in vertisols
S. Jaffar Basha*, V. Jayalakshmi, S. Khayum Ahammed and N. Kamakshi
[abstract][PDF (484KB)][472-475]  Viewed: 1390  Downloaded: 640
Karyotype diversity among twelve varieties of Brassica L. (Brassicaceae) from Bangladesh
Susmita Saha, Meghla Saha Pinky, Suma Akter and Kazi Nahida Begum*
[abstract][PDF (1135KB)][476-483]  Viewed: 1369  Downloaded: 628
Digitaria and Setaria species of subfamily- Panicoideae, Tribe- Paniceae (Poaceae) from Bhandara District of Maharashtra, India
Vijay J. Tiwari* and Chandan R. Sakharkar
[abstract][PDF (717KB)][484-490]  Viewed: 1509  Downloaded: 798
Role of epidermal micromorphology in delimitation of taxa in genus Andrographis (Acanthaceae) in India
Nitisha Srivastava
[abstract][PDF (1047KB)][491-495]  Viewed: 1184  Downloaded: 491
Morphological study on rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties of Parbatjhora Sub-division, Kokrajhar district, Assam, India
Dipankar Rabha and Mohesh Gogoi*
[abstract][PDF (843KB)][496-501]  Viewed: 1337  Downloaded: 627
Effect of tree canopy opening in the regeneration layer of Terai Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.) forest in Western Nepal: A case study
Shishir Baral and Pramod Ghimire*
[abstract][PDF (571KB)][502-507]  Viewed: 1502  Downloaded: 739
Effect of crop stage and leaf number for topping on performance of bidi tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) rainfed vertisols
S. Jaffar Basha*, P. Pulli Bai, K. Prabhakar, J. Manjunath, S. Kasturi Krishna and C. Chandrasekhara Rao
[abstract][PDF (569KB)][508-511]  Viewed: 1282  Downloaded: 534
Morpho-taxonomic study and distributional note on two less known species of Assam
Selim Mehmud*, Kangkan Kumar Das and Himu Roy
[abstract][PDF (1082KB)][512-516]  Viewed: 1467  Downloaded: 740
Traditional use of medicinal plants among the Barti tribe community in Fangoga area, Sennar State, Sudan
Ikram Madani Ahmed*, Yahia Fadl Tahir, Saada Mohamed Nour and Mogahed Ahmed Suliman
[abstract][PDF (582KB)][517-521]  Viewed: 1373  Downloaded: 604
Rhizosphere signaling nurturing phyto-microbiome niche
Siddhi Kashinath Jalmi
[abstract][PDF (476KB)][522-528]  Viewed: 1316  Downloaded: 561