Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.

Vol. 9 Issue 1

Table of Contents
Plant community along age and disturbance gradients of dry Afromontane forest patches of Wombera district, Benshangul Gumuz, Ethiopia
Girma Gudesho* and Zerihun Woldu
[abstract][PDF (921KB)][1-15]  Viewed: 3929  Downloaded: 3647
Cytomorphological, Palynological and Phytochemical study of two species of Genus Bacopa (Scrophulariaceae) from the state of Punjab, India
Rai Singh
[abstract][PDF (719KB)][16-22]  Viewed: 636  Downloaded: 358
Ultrastructural studies in Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) after desiccation and freezing
Pravin D. Patil*, Bupesh K. Mendhe and S. K. Malik
[abstract][PDF (641KB)][23-26]  Viewed: 492  Downloaded: 259
Medico-socio-religious uses of Capparis zeylanica L.
Nilamani Dikshit*, Taranisen Panda and Dinesh Chand
[abstract][PDF (627KB)][27-30]  Viewed: 576  Downloaded: 343
Addition of a new report Acriopsis liliifolia (J. Koenig) Ormerod (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) to the flora of Bangladesh
Mohammed Kamrul Huda, Mohammed Mozammel Hoque and Ishrath Jahan*
[abstract][PDF (1312KB)][31-36]  Viewed: 559  Downloaded: 295
Relationships between tree slenderness coefficients and stand characteristics for major plantation-grown species in North-western Nigeria
S. B. Shamaki
[abstract][PDF (819KB)][37-43]  Viewed: 541  Downloaded: 297
Calvatia booniana A.H. Sm. (Giant puffball) - New record for India
Girish Gogoi* and Rajesh Kumar
[abstract][PDF (729KB)][44-48]  Viewed: 547  Downloaded: 301
A review: Sacred groves and their Bryophyte studies
Nishida P. P., Manju C. N. * and Rajesh K. P.
[abstract][PDF (559KB)][49-54]  Viewed: 511  Downloaded: 265