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Morpho-taxonomy of Hydrodictyon reticulatum (L.) Lagerheim and Pediastrum tetras var. tetraodon (Corda) Hansgirg, Hooghly, West Bengal, India Nilu Halder [abstract][PDF (211KB)][168-171] Viewed: 4126 Downloaded: 2169 |
Effect of red laterite soil and vermicompost on growth and development of chilli and brinjal grown under polypot conditions Hruda Ranjan Sahoo, Madhuchhanda Sahoo, Mayeetreyee Baboo and Nibha Gupta* [abstract][PDF (453KB)][172-174] Viewed: 3592 Downloaded: 1798 |
Ethnopharmacological investigation and antibacterial evaluation of the methanolic extract of Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) T. Kumaran* and T. Citarasu [abstract][PDF (596KB)][175-179] Viewed: 2978 Downloaded: 1104 |
Bryophyte diversity in Terai regions of Uttar Pradesh, India with some new additions to the state Vinay Sahu and A. K. Asthana* [abstract][PDF (1277KB)][180-191] Viewed: 4257 Downloaded: 2070 |
Contribution of environmental factors on in vitro culture of an endangered and endemic mangroves Heritiera fomes Buch.-Ham. and Bruguiera gymnorhiza (L.) Lam. Abdul Kader, Sankar Narayan Sinha and Parthadeb Ghosh* [abstract][PDF (594KB)][192-203] Viewed: 3582 Downloaded: 1509 |
Plant community structure and composition in secondary succession following wildfire from Nuèes Ardentes of mount Merapi, Indonesia Sutomo*, Richard J. Hobbs and Viki A. Cramer [abstract][PDF (597KB)][204-214] Viewed: 3056 Downloaded: 1022 |
Application of information technology and GIS in agroforestry Rajesh Kumar Mishra* and Rekha Agarwal [abstract][PDF (357KB)][215-223] Viewed: 4561 Downloaded: 2581 |
Variability and germination divergence in seed traits of Stereospermum chelonoides DC. Anita Tomar [abstract][PDF (356KB)][224-229] Viewed: 3162 Downloaded: 1341 |
Diversity and carbon stock assessment of trees and lianas in tropical dry evergreen forest on the Coromandel Coast of India P. Vivek and N. Parthasarathy* [abstract][PDF (513KB)][230-239] Viewed: 3446 Downloaded: 1389 |
Vitamin C content of commonly eaten green leafy vegetables in fresh and under different storage conditions Umaramani Mathiventhan* and Sivakanesan Ramiah [abstract][PDF (190KB)][240-245] Viewed: 3213 Downloaded: 1399 |
Physiological response of broccoli exposed to RuO2 nanoparticle Imtiyaz Hussain, Ajey Singh, Himani Singh, S. C. Singh and N. B. Singh* [abstract][PDF (323KB)][246-252] Viewed: 2857 Downloaded: 979 |
Three new records of dicotyledonous plants from Bangladesh Md. Salah Uddin*, Mohammad Sajid Ali Howlader and Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin [abstract][PDF (320KB)][253-256] Viewed: 3333 Downloaded: 1256 |
Genotypic variations in the inhibitory potentials of four combined botanicals on mycelia growth of Macrophomina phaseolina of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.] A. O. Akanmu, O. J. Olawuyi, O. B. Bello*, O. A. Akinbode3, T. Aroge, B. Oyewole and A. C. Odebode [abstract][PDF (306KB)][257-263] Viewed: 2587 Downloaded: 882 |
Comparative evaluation of salicylic acid and EDTA chelant induced phytoremediation of lead and nickel using Lemna minor L. Leela Kaur*, Kasturi Gadgil and Satyawati Sharma [abstract][PDF (571KB)][264-270] Viewed: 3026 Downloaded: 1178 |
A comprehensive review of effects of water stress and tolerance in wheat (Triticuma estivum L.) Muhammad Bilal*, Irfan Iqbal, Rashid Mehmood Rana, Shoaib Ur Rehman, Qurat-ul-ain Haidery, Farah Ahmad, Ammara Ijaz and Hafiz Muhammad Imran Umar [abstract][PDF (292KB)][271-275] Viewed: 4659 Downloaded: 2744 |
Priming of Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench (okra) seeds with liquid phosphobacterium: An approach to mitigate drought stress P. Pravisya and K. M. Jayaram* [abstract][PDF (333KB)][276-281] Viewed: 3389 Downloaded: 1509 |
Diversity of invasive alien species in Pantnagar flora Jyotsna Rastogi*, D. S. Rawat and Satish Chandra [abstract][PDF (349KB)][282-287] Viewed: 3495 Downloaded: 1631 |
Phytoconstituents composition and in vitro antibacterial activity of a blue green alga Anabaena variabilis Kütz. ex Born. et Flah. Nilu Halder [abstract][PDF (176KB)][288-291] Viewed: 2535 Downloaded: 864 |
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