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Tree species diversity in tropical forests of Barak valley in Assam, India Nepolion Borah*, Debajit Rabha and Florida Devi Athokpam [abstract][PDF (410KB)][01-09] Viewed: 5495 Downloaded: 3204 |
Soil organic carbon stocks in different land uses in Pondicherry university campus, Puducherry, India SM. Sundarapandian*, S. Amritha, L. Gowsalya, P. Kayathri, M. Thamizharasi, Javid Ahmad Dar, K. Srinivas, D. Sanjay Gandhi and K. Subashree [abstract][PDF (533KB)][10-17] Viewed: 3795 Downloaded: 1570 |
Predicting suitability of tree species in various climatic conditions Sharad Tiwari and Rajesh Kumar Mishra* [abstract][PDF (738KB)][18-32] Viewed: 3097 Downloaded: 932 |
Eight new records of fresh water filamentous algae (Oedogonium Link) from India Priya Jitendra* and V. K. Anand [abstract][PDF (541KB)][33-39] Viewed: 4252 Downloaded: 1935 |
Effect of different growth stages on rice crop on soil microbial and enzyme activities N. F. Islam* and Borthakur [abstract][PDF (611KB)][40-47] Viewed: 3587 Downloaded: 1465 |
Phytochemical screening and antifungal activities of five plant species Edward N. Okey* and Idoroenyin E. Asuqwo [abstract][PDF (173KB)][48-51] Viewed: 3253 Downloaded: 1303 |
Leaf traits and foliar herbivory in tropical dry evergreen forest of India K. Anil and N. Parthasarathy* [abstract][PDF (575KB)][52-66] Viewed: 4159 Downloaded: 1195 |
Three new combinations in Acmella (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) Reshmi G. R.* and Rajalakshmi R [abstract][PDF (291KB)][67-69] Viewed: 3988 Downloaded: 1632 |
Prospects of organic farming in hill farms of Nepal Sabita Aryal Khanna [abstract][PDF (260KB)][70-77] Viewed: 4212 Downloaded: 2233 |
Low Na/K ratio in the leaves of mangroves mitigates salinity stress in estuarine ecosystem Anjum Farooqui*, Ranjana and Yogesh Joshi [abstract][PDF (660KB)][78-86] Viewed: 3145 Downloaded: 966 |
Allelopathic invasion of alien plant species in India and their management strategies: A review Vijaya Yadav, N. B. Singh*, Himani Singh, Ajey Singh and Imtiyaz Hussain [abstract][PDF (476KB)][87-101] Viewed: 6283 Downloaded: 3040 |
Ipomoea triloba L. (Convolvulaceae): A New Angiosperm Record for the Flora of Bangladesh Md Sharif Hossain Sourav [abstract][PDF (543KB)][102-104] Viewed: 4809 Downloaded: 1698 |
Endogenous glycine betaine accumulation mediates abiotic stress tolerance in plants Aryadeep Roychoudhury* and Aditya Banerjee [abstract][PDF (302KB)][105-111] Viewed: 3708 Downloaded: 1667 |
Antibiotic sensitivity of bacterial and fungal isolates from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit O. B. Bello*, I. S. Bello, D. Aminu, O. J. Olawuyi, N. B. Afolabi-Balogun, A. O. Lawal, A. H. Azeez and U. Habib [abstract][PDF (454KB)][112-119] Viewed: 4348 Downloaded: 2122 |
Inventory of invasive alien plants in Bethuadahari wildlife sanctuary in Nadia district, West Bengal, India(RETRACTED) Dibyendu Talukdar* and Tulika Talukdar [abstract][PDF (706KB)][120-130] Viewed: 4503 Downloaded: 2142 |
Impact of seasonal changes on air layering and rooting hormone in Spondias pinnata (J. Koenig ex L. f.) Kurz. Anita Tomar [abstract][PDF (454KB)][131-135] Viewed: 7174 Downloaded: 4784 |
Sacred plants from ancient to modern era: Traditional worshipping towards plants conservation Deepti Pandey* and Vimal Chandra Pandey [abstract][PDF (329KB)][136-141] Viewed: 11457 Downloaded: 7537 |
Biomass extraction impact on vegetation community structure in Kaimur wildlife sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India Azram Tahoor, Azra Musavi and Jamal A. Khan* [abstract][PDF (446KB)][142-152] Viewed: 2940 Downloaded: 889 |
New addition to lichen flora of Uttar Pradesh, India Namita Gupta*, Vartika Gupta and S. K. Dwivedi [abstract][PDF (631KB)][153-156] Viewed: 3616 Downloaded: 1492 |
New additions to the lichen flora of Jammu and Kashmir state (India) Mamta Bhat, Reema Goni*, Susheel Verma and D. K. Upreti [abstract][PDF (708KB)][157-161] Viewed: 3557 Downloaded: 1357 |
In vitro regeneration protocol development via callus formation from leaf explants of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon Mill.) Meherunnesa Papry, S. M. Ahsan*, Sayeed Shahriyar, Maria Akter Sathi, Prianka Howlader, Mahbub Robbani, Soleh Akram and Md. Jamil Hossain Biswas [abstract][PDF (502KB)][162-171] Viewed: 3798 Downloaded: 1575 |
Assessment of antibacterial activity of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius tuber and its peel extracts Venkata Narasimha Kadali*, Tadi Ramesh, Sudhakara Rao Pola and B. V. Sandeep [abstract][PDF (455KB)][172-175] Viewed: 3425 Downloaded: 1418 |
Uses of wild edible macro fungi by Bodo community of Kokrajhar district, Assam, India Miniswrang Basumatary* and Mohesh Gogoi [abstract][PDF (335KB)][176-181] Viewed: 4603 Downloaded: 2475 |
A study of effect of induced mutation on flowering of plant in M2 & M3 generations in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Navnath G. Kashid* and Subhash B. More [abstract][PDF (199KB)][182-185] Viewed: 3421 Downloaded: 1450 |
An update on biological activities of medicinal plant Ipomoea quamoclit L. Dipak Paul and Sankar Narayan Sinha* [abstract][PDF (319KB)][186-190] Viewed: 5265 Downloaded: 1408 |
Microsatellite markers based heterozygosity assessment in Jatropha curcas L.: A potential bioenergy crop Ramanuj Maurya* and Hemant Kumar Yadav [abstract][PDF (471KB)][191-198] Viewed: 3630 Downloaded: 1434 |
Leaf life-span dynamics of woody species in tropical dry forests of India R. K. Chaturvedi* and A. S. Raghubanshi [abstract][PDF (1528KB)][199-212] Viewed: 3893 Downloaded: 1345 |
Characterization and validation of teak plus trees ramets of national teak germplasm bank through microsatellites Shashank Mahesh, Vivek Vaishnav*, Pramod Kumar, Naseer Mohammad and S. A. Ansari [abstract][PDF (379KB)][213-220] Viewed: 3308 Downloaded: 1189 |
Wild food plants of Mishing tribe- An ethnobotanical survey Gitamani Dutta*, Gautam Baruah and Ashalata Devi [abstract][PDF (535KB)][221-223] Viewed: 5255 Downloaded: 1690 |
New addition to the Lichen flora of Uttarakhand, India Sugam Gupta*, Himanshu Rai, Dalip Kumar Upreti, Pradeep Kumar Sharma and Rajan Kumar Gupta [abstract][PDF (417KB)][224-229] Viewed: 4155 Downloaded: 1711 |
Floristic diversities and medicinal importance of selected sacred groves in Thrissur district, Kerala Deepa MR*, Sheema Dharmapal P. and P. S. Udayan [abstract][PDF (1327KB)][230-242] Viewed: 4676 Downloaded: 2129 |
Variation in rock phosphate solubilization by three isolates of Aspergillus niger van Tieghem grown in liquid media supplemented with different carbon and nitrogen sources Hruda Ranjan Sahoo and Nibha Gupta* [abstract][PDF (306KB)][243-248] Viewed: 2946 Downloaded: 864 |
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