Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Table of Contents
Tree species diversity in tropical forests of Barak valley in Assam, India
Nepolion Borah*, Debajit Rabha and Florida Devi Athokpam
[abstract][PDF (410KB)][01-09]  Viewed: 5495  Downloaded: 3204
Soil organic carbon stocks in different land uses in Pondicherry university campus, Puducherry, India
SM. Sundarapandian*, S. Amritha, L. Gowsalya, P. Kayathri, M. Thamizharasi, Javid Ahmad Dar, K. Srinivas, D. Sanjay Gandhi and K. Subashree
[abstract][PDF (533KB)][10-17]  Viewed: 3795  Downloaded: 1570
Predicting suitability of tree species in various climatic conditions
Sharad Tiwari and Rajesh Kumar Mishra*
[abstract][PDF (738KB)][18-32]  Viewed: 3097  Downloaded: 932
Eight new records of fresh water filamentous algae (Oedogonium Link) from India
Priya Jitendra* and V. K. Anand
[abstract][PDF (541KB)][33-39]  Viewed: 4252  Downloaded: 1935
Effect of different growth stages on rice crop on soil microbial and enzyme activities
N. F. Islam* and Borthakur
[abstract][PDF (611KB)][40-47]  Viewed: 3587  Downloaded: 1465
Phytochemical screening and antifungal activities of five plant species
Edward N. Okey* and Idoroenyin E. Asuqwo
[abstract][PDF (173KB)][48-51]  Viewed: 3253  Downloaded: 1303
Leaf traits and foliar herbivory in tropical dry evergreen forest of India
K. Anil and N. Parthasarathy*
[abstract][PDF (575KB)][52-66]  Viewed: 4159  Downloaded: 1195
Three new combinations in Acmella (Asteraceae: Heliantheae)
Reshmi G. R.* and Rajalakshmi R
[abstract][PDF (291KB)][67-69]  Viewed: 3988  Downloaded: 1632
Prospects of organic farming in hill farms of Nepal
Sabita Aryal Khanna
[abstract][PDF (260KB)][70-77]  Viewed: 4212  Downloaded: 2233
Low Na/K ratio in the leaves of mangroves mitigates salinity stress in estuarine ecosystem
Anjum Farooqui*, Ranjana and Yogesh Joshi
[abstract][PDF (660KB)][78-86]  Viewed: 3145  Downloaded: 966
Allelopathic invasion of alien plant species in India and their management strategies: A review
Vijaya Yadav, N. B. Singh*, Himani Singh, Ajey Singh and Imtiyaz Hussain
[abstract][PDF (476KB)][87-101]  Viewed: 6283  Downloaded: 3040
Ipomoea triloba L. (Convolvulaceae): A New Angiosperm Record for the Flora of Bangladesh
Md Sharif Hossain Sourav
[abstract][PDF (543KB)][102-104]  Viewed: 4809  Downloaded: 1698
Endogenous glycine betaine accumulation mediates abiotic stress tolerance in plants
Aryadeep Roychoudhury* and Aditya Banerjee
[abstract][PDF (302KB)][105-111]  Viewed: 3708  Downloaded: 1667
Antibiotic sensitivity of bacterial and fungal isolates from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit
O. B. Bello*, I. S. Bello, D. Aminu, O. J. Olawuyi, N. B. Afolabi-Balogun, A. O. Lawal, A. H. Azeez and U. Habib
[abstract][PDF (454KB)][112-119]  Viewed: 4348  Downloaded: 2122
Inventory of invasive alien plants in Bethuadahari wildlife sanctuary in Nadia district, West Bengal, India(RETRACTED)
Dibyendu Talukdar* and Tulika Talukdar
[abstract][PDF (706KB)][120-130]  Viewed: 4503  Downloaded: 2142
Impact of seasonal changes on air layering and rooting hormone in Spondias pinnata (J. Koenig ex L. f.) Kurz.
Anita Tomar
[abstract][PDF (454KB)][131-135]  Viewed: 7174  Downloaded: 4784
Sacred plants from ancient to modern era: Traditional worshipping towards plants conservation
Deepti Pandey* and Vimal Chandra Pandey
[abstract][PDF (329KB)][136-141]  Viewed: 11457  Downloaded: 7537
Biomass extraction impact on vegetation community structure in Kaimur wildlife sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Azram Tahoor, Azra Musavi and Jamal A. Khan*
[abstract][PDF (446KB)][142-152]  Viewed: 2940  Downloaded: 889
New addition to lichen flora of Uttar Pradesh, India
Namita Gupta*, Vartika Gupta and S. K. Dwivedi
[abstract][PDF (631KB)][153-156]  Viewed: 3616  Downloaded: 1492
New additions to the lichen flora of Jammu and Kashmir state (India)
Mamta Bhat, Reema Goni*, Susheel Verma and D. K. Upreti
[abstract][PDF (708KB)][157-161]  Viewed: 3557  Downloaded: 1357
In vitro regeneration protocol development via callus formation from leaf explants of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon Mill.)
Meherunnesa Papry, S. M. Ahsan*, Sayeed Shahriyar, Maria Akter Sathi, Prianka Howlader, Mahbub Robbani, Soleh Akram and Md. Jamil Hossain Biswas
[abstract][PDF (502KB)][162-171]  Viewed: 3798  Downloaded: 1575
Assessment of antibacterial activity of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius tuber and its peel extracts
Venkata Narasimha Kadali*, Tadi Ramesh, Sudhakara Rao Pola and B. V. Sandeep
[abstract][PDF (455KB)][172-175]  Viewed: 3425  Downloaded: 1418
Uses of wild edible macro fungi by Bodo community of Kokrajhar district, Assam, India
Miniswrang Basumatary* and Mohesh Gogoi
[abstract][PDF (335KB)][176-181]  Viewed: 4603  Downloaded: 2475
A study of effect of induced mutation on flowering of plant in M2 & M3 generations in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Navnath G. Kashid* and Subhash B. More
[abstract][PDF (199KB)][182-185]  Viewed: 3421  Downloaded: 1450
An update on biological activities of medicinal plant Ipomoea quamoclit L.
Dipak Paul and Sankar Narayan Sinha*
[abstract][PDF (319KB)][186-190]  Viewed: 5265  Downloaded: 1408
Microsatellite markers based heterozygosity assessment in Jatropha curcas L.: A potential bioenergy crop
Ramanuj Maurya* and Hemant Kumar Yadav
[abstract][PDF (471KB)][191-198]  Viewed: 3630  Downloaded: 1434
Leaf life-span dynamics of woody species in tropical dry forests of India
R. K. Chaturvedi* and A. S. Raghubanshi
[abstract][PDF (1528KB)][199-212]  Viewed: 3893  Downloaded: 1345
Characterization and validation of teak plus trees ramets of national teak germplasm bank through microsatellites
Shashank Mahesh, Vivek Vaishnav*, Pramod Kumar, Naseer Mohammad and S. A. Ansari
[abstract][PDF (379KB)][213-220]  Viewed: 3308  Downloaded: 1189
Wild food plants of Mishing tribe- An ethnobotanical survey
Gitamani Dutta*, Gautam Baruah and Ashalata Devi
[abstract][PDF (535KB)][221-223]  Viewed: 5255  Downloaded: 1690
New addition to the Lichen flora of Uttarakhand, India
Sugam Gupta*, Himanshu Rai, Dalip Kumar Upreti, Pradeep Kumar Sharma and Rajan Kumar Gupta
[abstract][PDF (417KB)][224-229]  Viewed: 4155  Downloaded: 1711
Floristic diversities and medicinal importance of selected sacred groves in Thrissur district, Kerala
Deepa MR*, Sheema Dharmapal P. and P. S. Udayan
[abstract][PDF (1327KB)][230-242]  Viewed: 4676  Downloaded: 2129
Variation in rock phosphate solubilization by three isolates of Aspergillus niger van Tieghem grown in liquid media supplemented with different carbon and nitrogen sources
Hruda Ranjan Sahoo and Nibha Gupta*
[abstract][PDF (306KB)][243-248]  Viewed: 2946  Downloaded: 864