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Change in physico-chemical character of nutrient media and carpet effluent in presence of six algae monocultures and their consortia Akash Kumar Patel, M. R. Suseela, Munna Singh and Sanjeeva Nayaka* [abstract][PDF (604KB)][192-202] Viewed: 4702 Downloaded: 2003 |
Integration of mulching and row spacing on weed management in Green Pepper varieties Edgar N. Ocharo*, Nicholas K. Korir and Joseph Gweyi-Onyango [abstract][PDF (440KB)][203-209] Viewed: 4086 Downloaded: 1561 |
Nitrogen level affects growth and reactive oxygen scavenging of fenugreek irrigated with wastewater Saima Kausar*, Shahla Faizan and Irfana Haneef [abstract][PDF (1092KB)][210-224] Viewed: 3775 Downloaded: 1950 |
Oxidative stress induced by lead in Vigna radiata L. seedling attenuated by exogenous nitric oxide Himani Singh, N. B. Singh*, Ajey Singh, Imtiyaz Hussain and Vijaya Yadav [abstract][PDF (753KB)][225-234] Viewed: 3567 Downloaded: 1832 |
Effect of vehicular traffic on pollen size and viability of Apocynaceous plant species Mandeep Kaur and Avinash Kaur Nagpal* [abstract][PDF (1022KB)][235-241] Viewed: 4403 Downloaded: 1743 |
Beneficial impact of phosphate solubilizing fungi on growth of Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Willd. under nursery condition Soumya Ranjan Nayak, Manas Ranjan Panigrahi and Nibha Gupta* [abstract][PDF (204KB)][242-245] Viewed: 3175 Downloaded: 1447 |
Synthesis and characterization of copper oxide nanoparticles and its impact on germination of Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek Ajey Singh, N. B. Singh*, Imtiyaz Hussain, Himani Singh and Vijaya Yadav [abstract][PDF (651KB)][246-253] Viewed: 5739 Downloaded: 3448 |
Comparative effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza, cowdung and phosphorus on growth and yield contributing characters of red amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor L.) and Indian spinach (Basella alba L.) Aporna Ghosh, Md. Tahjib-Ul-Arif*, S. G. Chamely, M. R. Haque, Md. Mokhlesur Rahman and Md. Asadul Haque Bhuiyan [abstract][PDF (443KB)][254-263] Viewed: 3996 Downloaded: 1628 |
Regional scale investigation of net primary productivity associated to dominant land cover classes of Indian Himalayan region Sandeep Soni*, Sandipan Mukherjee and Kireet Kumar [abstract][PDF (1037KB)][264-273] Viewed: 3000 Downloaded: 1192 |
Assessment of allometric models for leaf area index estimation of Tectona grandis R. K. Chaturvedi*, Shivam Singh, Hema Singh and A. S. Raghubanshi [abstract][PDF (826KB)][274-285] Viewed: 3263 Downloaded: 1471 |
Plants struggling to receive proper identity at Bhadaure Tamagi of Kaski district, Nepal Bimal Bahadur Kunwar* [abstract][PDF (697KB)][286-296] Viewed: 3305 Downloaded: 1392 |
Carbon sequestration and CO2 mitigation in a burned ecosystem of Pinus roxburghii forest in Langtang National Park, Nepal Biva Aryal*, Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai, Mohan Pandey and Anjana Giri [abstract][PDF (677KB)][297-306] Viewed: 3380 Downloaded: 1475 |
Ethnomedicinal aspects of climbing plants of Palpa district, Nepal Anant Gopal Singh and Akhilesh Kumar* [abstract][PDF (732KB)][307-313] Viewed: 4784 Downloaded: 2032 |
Comparative studies on some biochemical parameters of Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars and Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. Joyeeta Dey*, Puja Rani Saha, Priyanki Debnath and R. K. Sinha [abstract][PDF (542KB)][314-318] Viewed: 3555 Downloaded: 1241 |
Bioprospecting fungal diversity from crude oil infiltrate soil of Assam, India’s Northeast N. F. Islam* [abstract][PDF (1209KB)][319-329] Viewed: 3553 Downloaded: 1262 |
A new distributional record for Gujarat state: Dipcadi saxorum Blatter Rupesh R. Maurya, Umerfaruq M. Qureshimatva*, Sandip B. Gamit, Rajdeo Singh and Hitesh A. Solanki [abstract][PDF (444KB)][330-331] Viewed: 3490 Downloaded: 1147 |
Recollection of Didymoplexis micradenia (Rchb. f.) Hemsl. (Orchidaceae) from Western Javan populations Wendy A. Mustaqim*, Dimas H. Pradana, Reza Saputra and Margi Hartanto [abstract][PDF (755KB)][332-334] Viewed: 3558 Downloaded: 1021 |
Floristic composition and plant community analysis of vegetation in Ilu Gelan district, West Shewa Zone of Oromia region, Central Ethiopia Zerihun Tadesse*, Ensermu Kelbessa and Tamrat Bekele [abstract][PDF (1604KB)][335-350] Viewed: 7988 Downloaded: 4707 |
Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Phellinus linteus (Berk. & M.A Curtis.) with their wild collections from Western Ghats of India Jayashree K. Kodiyalmath* and Krishnappa M. [abstract][PDF (512KB)][351-357] Viewed: 4168 Downloaded: 1542 |
Morpho-anatomical description of Lygodium hazaricum Haq a new contribution to the fern flora of Pakistan Faizul Haq [abstract][PDF (898KB)][358-362] Viewed: 6689 Downloaded: 4168 |
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