Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.

Vol. 4 Issue 2

Table of Contents
Change in physico-chemical character of nutrient media and carpet effluent in presence of six algae monocultures and their consortia
Akash Kumar Patel, M. R. Suseela, Munna Singh and Sanjeeva Nayaka*
[abstract][PDF (604KB)][192-202]  Viewed: 4702  Downloaded: 2003
Integration of mulching and row spacing on weed management in Green Pepper varieties
Edgar N. Ocharo*, Nicholas K. Korir and Joseph Gweyi-Onyango
[abstract][PDF (440KB)][203-209]  Viewed: 4086  Downloaded: 1561
Nitrogen level affects growth and reactive oxygen scavenging of fenugreek irrigated with wastewater
Saima Kausar*, Shahla Faizan and Irfana Haneef
[abstract][PDF (1092KB)][210-224]  Viewed: 3775  Downloaded: 1950
Oxidative stress induced by lead in Vigna radiata L. seedling attenuated by exogenous nitric oxide
Himani Singh, N. B. Singh*, Ajey Singh, Imtiyaz Hussain and Vijaya Yadav
[abstract][PDF (753KB)][225-234]  Viewed: 3567  Downloaded: 1832
Effect of vehicular traffic on pollen size and viability of Apocynaceous plant species
Mandeep Kaur and Avinash Kaur Nagpal*
[abstract][PDF (1022KB)][235-241]  Viewed: 4403  Downloaded: 1743
Beneficial impact of phosphate solubilizing fungi on growth of Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Willd. under nursery condition
Soumya Ranjan Nayak, Manas Ranjan Panigrahi and Nibha Gupta*
[abstract][PDF (204KB)][242-245]  Viewed: 3175  Downloaded: 1447
Synthesis and characterization of copper oxide nanoparticles and its impact on germination of Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek
Ajey Singh, N. B. Singh*, Imtiyaz Hussain, Himani Singh and Vijaya Yadav
[abstract][PDF (651KB)][246-253]  Viewed: 5739  Downloaded: 3448
Comparative effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza, cowdung and phosphorus on growth and yield contributing characters of red amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor L.) and Indian spinach (Basella alba L.)
Aporna Ghosh, Md. Tahjib-Ul-Arif*, S. G. Chamely, M. R. Haque, Md. Mokhlesur Rahman and Md. Asadul Haque Bhuiyan
[abstract][PDF (443KB)][254-263]  Viewed: 3996  Downloaded: 1628
Regional scale investigation of net primary productivity associated to dominant land cover classes of Indian Himalayan region
Sandeep Soni*, Sandipan Mukherjee and Kireet Kumar
[abstract][PDF (1037KB)][264-273]  Viewed: 3000  Downloaded: 1192
Assessment of allometric models for leaf area index estimation of Tectona grandis
R. K. Chaturvedi*, Shivam Singh, Hema Singh and A. S. Raghubanshi
[abstract][PDF (826KB)][274-285]  Viewed: 3263  Downloaded: 1471
Plants struggling to receive proper identity at Bhadaure Tamagi of Kaski district, Nepal
Bimal Bahadur Kunwar*
[abstract][PDF (697KB)][286-296]  Viewed: 3305  Downloaded: 1392
Carbon sequestration and CO2 mitigation in a burned ecosystem of Pinus roxburghii forest in Langtang National Park, Nepal
Biva Aryal*, Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai, Mohan Pandey and Anjana Giri
[abstract][PDF (677KB)][297-306]  Viewed: 3380  Downloaded: 1475
Ethnomedicinal aspects of climbing plants of Palpa district, Nepal
Anant Gopal Singh and Akhilesh Kumar*
[abstract][PDF (732KB)][307-313]  Viewed: 4784  Downloaded: 2032
Comparative studies on some biochemical parameters of Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars and Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.
Joyeeta Dey*, Puja Rani Saha, Priyanki Debnath and R. K. Sinha
[abstract][PDF (542KB)][314-318]  Viewed: 3555  Downloaded: 1241
Bioprospecting fungal diversity from crude oil infiltrate soil of Assam, India’s Northeast
N. F. Islam*
[abstract][PDF (1209KB)][319-329]  Viewed: 3553  Downloaded: 1262
A new distributional record for Gujarat state: Dipcadi saxorum Blatter
Rupesh R. Maurya, Umerfaruq M. Qureshimatva*, Sandip B. Gamit, Rajdeo Singh and Hitesh A. Solanki
[abstract][PDF (444KB)][330-331]  Viewed: 3490  Downloaded: 1147
Recollection of Didymoplexis micradenia (Rchb. f.) Hemsl. (Orchidaceae) from Western Javan populations
Wendy A. Mustaqim*, Dimas H. Pradana, Reza Saputra and Margi Hartanto
[abstract][PDF (755KB)][332-334]  Viewed: 3558  Downloaded: 1021
Floristic composition and plant community analysis of vegetation in Ilu Gelan district, West Shewa Zone of Oromia region, Central Ethiopia
Zerihun Tadesse*, Ensermu Kelbessa and Tamrat Bekele
[abstract][PDF (1604KB)][335-350]  Viewed: 7988  Downloaded: 4707
Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Phellinus linteus (Berk. & M.A Curtis.) with their wild collections from Western Ghats of India
Jayashree K. Kodiyalmath* and Krishnappa M.
[abstract][PDF (512KB)][351-357]  Viewed: 4168  Downloaded: 1542
Morpho-anatomical description of Lygodium hazaricum Haq a new contribution to the fern flora of Pakistan
Faizul Haq
[abstract][PDF (898KB)][358-362]  Viewed: 6689  Downloaded: 4168